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Strada del Vino


Giovo | 22 - 24 September 2023

Verla di Giovo, 22 - 24 September 2023 This is the 66th anniversary of Trentino’s oldest Grape Festival. In Giovo, a small borough nestled in the vineyards, every year at the end of September, grapes become the protagonist of three days of great celebration. In ancient courtyards and along the narrow alleys among houses, you can taste the traditional food and wine offered in typical stands, enjoy moments of magical atmosphere between music and performances and participate in sporting and naturalistic activities such as Marcia dell’Uva and Gibostorica, pedalling in honour of local champion Gilberto Simoni. The highlight of the event is, however, the Sunday parade of allegorical wagons, which engages the public with spectacular colours, structures and choreographies. Giovo’s Grape Festival is a well-deserved celebration of the valley’s long-standing wine-making tradition. Info