Thanks to the purity of Trentino’s spring waters, our territory is becoming renowned for the quality of its traditionally brewed beers, often made with ‘zero food miles’ ingredients, such as the olives of Riva del Garda, the apples of Val di Non, the lupines of Anterivo or the honey made from mountain flowers.
Here below is a selection of Trentino beers produced using local ingredients.
LUPINUS - Birra di Fiemme Strada dei Formaggi
GRHOP - Birrificio BirraFon Strada della Mela
LA GARBA - Birrificio degli Arimanni Strada del Vino
POMBIER - Birrificio LM Melchiori Strada della Mela
BIOLUPO - Birrificio Bionoc' Strada dei Formaggi
GOJI - Brewery Birra Pejo Strada della Mela
HEART OF GLASS - brewery Km8 Strada della Mela