Strada del Vino
Co.P.A.G. - Cooperativa Produttori Agricoli Giudicaresi
Established in 1977 by 25 farmers - and immediately expanded to all the agricultural forces of the Valley - Cooperativa Produttori Agricoli Giudicariesi - COPAG - has collected and unified the legacy of other small realities of the single municipalities of the Giudicarie basin, at the foot of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park.
Currently, the Cooperative is formed by a hundred members; processing and packaging systems are constantly updated to new technologies, making the Cooperative able to offer its maximum even when it comes to packaging and showcasing products.Prodotti ortofrutticoli quali patate Le Montagnine, mele, patate da seme
Prodotti Cosmetici Il Fiore de Le Montagnine
Orari di apertura:
martedì - sabato
dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00
Orario di apertura in estate:
martedì - sabato
dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00
Visite guidate:
solo su prenotazione