Gnocchetti viola al sapore di malga
Logo Trentino
Strada del Vino

Mountain dairy aroma purple gnocchi

First course


1 kg di patate della Val di Gresta;
1 uovo;
1 tuorlo d’uovo;
1 cavolo cappuccio viola;
1 spicchio d’aglio;
250 gr farina;
100 gr formaggio di malga del Lagorai;
100 gr lucanica fresca;
una noce di burro;
salvia qb

Boil the potatoes from Val di Gresta; mash while hot. Cool and add, in this order, egg, egg yolk, salt, the cabbage (browned with garlic and puréed) and a little at a time, the flour. Mix well and shape some little rolls, then cut in small pieces. 
Immerse the gnocchi in boiling salted water. As soon as they come to the surface, drain well and mix in the grilled Lucanica sausage, butter flavoured with sage and shavings of Lagorai mountain dairy cheese. 

Best served with a glass of Nosiola wine.