Strada dei Formaggi
Potato, apple and Speck salad
Facile e gustosa
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 150 gr di mele golden della Val di Non
- 200 gr di patate
- 200 gr di cavolo cappuccio
- 100 gr di Speck (nella versione gluten free, speck della Macelleria Bonelli o Vaca Negra)
- zucchero
- sale
- pepe
- olio extravergine di oliva
- aceto
Peel and core the apples, then cut them into very thin slices, cover them in sugar and let them dry in the oven at 120°C.
Wash the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices with the skin, cook them in the microwave oven until they are crisp.
Cut the cabbage into julienne slices and season it with salt, pepper, oil, vinegar, then add to it half of the diced Speck.
Cut the remaining Speck into slices and let it dry in the oven at 100°C.
Compose the serving dishes: form a layered entrée by alternating apple slices with cabbage and then potato slices. Finish with a layer of crisp speck slices.
BEST WINE CHOICE: Trentodoc brut
Created and made by Elisabetta Dellantonio – Restaurant ‘Miola’ – Predazzo