Strada dei Formaggi
Easter Ham
L'antipasto perfetto per il vostro pranzo di Pasqua
Per il prosciutto pasquale:
- 500 gr di lonza di maiale
- sale qb
- miele trentino qb
- aromi freschi
- pepe
Per l'emulsione:
- 2 albumi d'uovo
- senape qb
- olio di girasole
Per la guarnizione:
- 1 patata della Val di Gresta
- un quarto di cavolo cappuccio
For expert chefs: Marinate the loin for 7/8 days with salt and honey, herbs and pepper grains, steam cook with a probe (you can buy them very inexpensively in home departments) in the core at 80°C, cool and smoke lightly.
For beginners or if you are in a hurry: buy the pork loin smoked by your butcher! If you are in this area we recommend the Macelleria Dagostin and Maso dello Speck (Val di Fiemme) or Macelleria Bonelli and MiniMarket Taufer (Primiero).
The garnish
With the egg whites, the mustard and sunflower oil create an emulsion with the help of a hand mixer.
Slice the potato very thin and fry. Then set in the hot oven (approx. 180°C) turned off with the door slightly ajar for about 10 minutes to dry it a little bit.
Add a little salad of cabbage marinated in vinegar and cumin.
This plate created and revisited by the Chef Pietro Pellegrin of the restaurant ‘La Stua de Zach - Albergo Miralago’, is in memory of grandma Luciana who served it as an appetizer during the Easter celebrations.