Museum of Habits and Traditions of Trentino

The Museum of Customs and Traditions of the People of Trentino (MUCGT), founded in 1968 by Giuseppe Šebesta, stands out for its analytical focus on the agricultural and pastoral system of the Alps.
Located in the picturesque setting of the ancient Augustinian monastery of San Michele all'Adige, the Museum of Customs and Traditions of the People of Trentino is one of the largest ethnographic museums in Italy.
The exhibition is divided into 43 rooms, ranging from bottom to top on 5 levels and crossing 25 different sections from agriculture to craftsmanship to the world of peasants, wood, iron, copper, ceramics, fabrics, symbols of religiosity, music and folklore.
In the basement spaces, formerly occupied by the monastery cellar, are the rooms dedicated to viticulture, winemaking and distillation.
Orari apertura:
martedì - domenica:
dalle 9.00 alle 12.30 e dalle 14.30 alle 18.00.
Chiuso di lunedì, il 1 Novembre, Natale, Capodanno
- Intero: € 6,00
- Ridotto € 4,00 (ragazzi dai 15 fino ai 26 anni di età, persone che abbiano compiuto i 65 anni di età, gruppi di visitatori di almeno 15 persone)