Panificio Moderno

Bread is for us agriculture, territory, research and tradition. We went to meet the farmers who carefully cultivate grain and millers who grind the stone flour. We prepare raw ingredients with natural yeast and let them ferment slowly, at their own pace. By tasting our products, you will enjoy the authentic taste of raw ingredients enhanced by simplicity and work, as it was carried out in the past.
Pane e prodotti dolciari, tra cui pane a lievitazione naturale con farine macinate a pietra, brioche e biscotteria, panettone e colombe artigianali, strudel di mele, mele in camicia, pizza
Orari apertura:
dal lunedì al sabato
dalle 5.00 alle 19.00
Giorno di chiusura:
Visite guidate solo su prenotazione
Punti vendita
Rovereto - Brione, viale Trento 31/g
Rovereto - Centro, via Setaioli 2/c
Rovereto - Centro, via Paoli 37
Rovereto – Borgo Sacco, viale Vittoria 15/a
Rovereto – San Giorgio, via G.A. Prato 87