Filettino di trota marinata al Nosiola ed erbe aromatiche  su crostone di pagnotta della Valle dei Laghi Km 0
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Small fillet of trout marinated in Nosiola wine with aromatic herbs on a toasted slice of bread of Valle dei Laghi ‘0 miles’ Ingredients



1100 gr filetti di Trota
200 gr carote
200 g sedano rapa
200 g zucchine
750 ml aceto di mele
250 ml Nosiola
75 g zucchero di canna
35 g sale fino
Erbe aromatiche miste q.b.
Nosiola per sfumare
n. 2 pagnotte della Valle dei Laghi


Marinate the trout fillets: season with salt, aromatic herbs and brown sugar and leave to marinate for at least a few hours, cover with apple vinegar and Nosiola, leaving them covered for another couple of hours.
Remove them and brown in DOP Garda Trentino extra virgin olive oil.
Deglaze with the Nosiola and set aside to cool. 
Toast the bread slices using the “Pagnotta della Valle dei Laghi”, cover with the trout and the vegetable julienne - prepared using carrots, celeriac and zucchini cut into sticks and cooked in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste.

Brief Description

The three elements of Valle dei Laghi meet in this recipe to make a delicate but consistent dish. Water, soil and wine are represented by three noble ambassadors: the trout grown along the Sarca River, the cereals of Valle dei Laghi and out Nosiola wine.Equally noble are the other ingredients, all of which as ‘0 miles’ as possible, such as the aromatic herbs, the Garda Trentino extra virgin olive oil DOP, and the balsamic vinegar produced in upper Garda.
Recipe presented on the occasion of the ‘Chef on the Road’ contest held during the Trentino Wine Festival by chef Guido Bosinelli of the restaurant ‘Hosteria Toblino’