Ravioli with dandelion
Wide at spring...
Per la pasta all'uovo:
1 Kg di semola
500g di farina 00
10 uova
10 tuorli
1 cucchiaio di Olio Extra Vergine d'Oliva del Garda
Per il ripieno al tarassaco:
500g di foglie di tarassaco
200g di ricotta fresca
100g di Trentingrana
Noce moscata q.b.
1 cucchiaio di fecola
Sale e pepe q.b.
Prepare the egg pasta dough, forming a fountain with the semolina and flour; addthe eggs, egg yolks and oil in the center, knead gently until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough and let it rest in the fridge for half a day.
In the meantime, blanch the cleaned dandelion, drain it and sauté it in oil with shallot. Once cold, chop it finely.
Remove the pasta dough from the refrigerator and roll it out with the appropriate tool, folding it several times until you obtain a thin pastasheet.
Spread and trim it with a knife to obtain strips about 12 cm high,
Cook for 5 minutes in boiling salted water and serve the ravioli with grated Trentingranaand melted butter, and with bacon or crunchy speck on top.