Strada della Mela
"Monte Ozolo Revò" cheese mousse with rennet apples and Groppello wine
- 300 gr di porcini del Trentino trifolati
- 300 gr di formaggio Casolét della Val di Sole
- 300 g speck di colonnata della Macelleria Corrà
- 6 patate medie
- Un rotolo di pasta sfoglia
- Sale q.b.
- 2 chiodi di garofano
- 1 stecca di cannella
- Cannella in polvere
- 4 cucchiai di Trentingrana grattugiato
- pane grattugiato q.b.
Cut the cheese into small cubes, place it in the cutter together with the ricotta and the Trentingrana put through a sieve.
In a bowl, mix in with the previously whipped cream, adjust the salt and with the help of two spoons make quenelles; place them in the fridge.
In a skillet, caramelise the sugar with the butter, add the cubed apples, add the Groppello di Revò and cook for a few instants.
Assemble the plate with the apples at the centre, flanked by the assortment of flowers and the cheese mousse quenelles.
Serve with Trentingrana cheese wafers.
Recipe by Associazione Cuochi del Trentino.