Easter Strudel
Trentino-style pasta matta and seasonal ingredients to celebrate Easter and spring together!
In a bowl, mix the flour with Trentingrana cheese and a pinch of salt. Add the oil and lukewarm water. Knead until you obtain a soft, non-sticky, and elastic dough. Shape it into a ball, coat it with some oil, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it rest for at least 30 minutes at room temperature.
Wash, trim, and cook the asparagus in salted boiling water for about 8–10 minutes. Drain and let them cool.
Boil the eggs in a saucepan for about 8 minutes, then let them cool, peel them, and slice them.
Roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin on a well-floured kitchen towel, shaping it into a rectangle and trimming any irregular edges.
Lay the Speck slices on the dough, leaving a few centimeters free around the edges. Place the asparagus along the longer side, covering about half of the Speck, layering them until used up. Add the sliced eggs, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Using the kitchen towel, fold the dough over the egg and asparagus filling, wrapping it with the Speck-covered part, shaping it into the typical strudel form. Seal it well and trim any excess dough, which you can use for decorative shapes to place on top of the strudel.
Carefully transfer the strudel onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Brush the entire surface with the beaten egg.
Bake in a preheated static oven at 180°C (350°F) for about 45 minutes, until the strudel is golden brown.
Silvia Coletto is a food blogger, food photographer, and passionate connoisseur of traditional products and recipes from Trentino-Alto Adige, particularly from the Primiero region. On her blog www.dolcimariemonti.it, special attention is given to selecting local ingredients. You will find traditional Dolomite cuisine as well as some new and easy modern reinterpretations. You can follow Silvia and her Dolomiti Cuisine stories on her social media channels, Instagram and Facebook.