Strada dei Formaggi
Tosèla di Primiero
fresh cheese
This fresh cheese (it’s a curd, actually) is typical of Primiero, and should be eaten within 2-3 days after production.
It is made from milk fresh from the cow so as to preserve all of the fragrance of the herbs of the mountain pastures and the taste of good milk.
Tradition wants it cut in slices about one finger thick, lightly fried in butter and served with polenta and Trentino Lucanica sausage.
Antica ricetta primierotta:
Viene fatta a fette alte circa un centimetro, si passano in padella con fondo di spessore grosso, nel burro fuso, per qualche minuto. Quando le fette hanno assunto il color bruno dorato, si servono in tavola con la polenta calda o abbrustolita.